Apply for a Conference Award

Two scientists talking to each other in front of a research poster.
We provide funding for UK-based students, early career researchers and healthcare professionals to present their pulmonary fibrosis research at scientific conferences.

Applications are open

Aims of Conference Awards

Our Conference Awards enable researchers to develop their knowledge, strengthen their skills, and to connect with people affected by pulmonary fibrosis and the wider scientific community. By ensuring that the latest pulmonary fibrosis research findings are shared around the world, together we can drive meaningful change for people affected by lung scaring.

Thanks to the generous support from APF, I had the privilege of meeting leading researchers in the field, which led to productive discussions and the establishment of potential collaborative projects.

We currently offer Conference Awards for the following:

Attending the ATS international conference has broadened my knowledge and understanding by discussing new concepts and research techniques that I hope to use to advance my own research in PF. It has been particularly motivational at a time when I am evaluating and writing up my own research findings for my PhD thesis, and focusing on the next steps in my career as a physician-scientist.
Conference grants are a crucial support for early career researchers to attend such events, and this would not be possible without public donations! Thank you.

Interested in applying?

Key dates

Our Research Review Panel reviews applications several times a year. Applications should be submitted inline with the dates below for timely consideration by the review panel.

Application deadline            Outcome notification by

4th March 2024, 12pm         19th March 2024
15th May 2024, 12pm           30th May 2024
16th July 2024, 12pm           2nd August 2024
1st September 2024, 12pm      17th September 2024
1st October 2024, 12pm       18th October 2024

Available funding

Applicants can request financial support towards:

  • conference registration fees
  • travel
  • subsistence (accommodation, meals, etc)

We offer up to:

  • £500 for UK conferences
  • £1,000 for European conferences
  • £1,500 for the conferences in the Rest of the World

We offer additional financial support for applicants facing barriers to attend and participate in academic meetings, where these costs are not met by your organisation, funder, or the conference organiser. Read our FAQs for more information.

Eligible costs include but are not limited to:

  • specialised or private transport where public transport is not manageable.
  • hire of mobility aids (e.g. wheelchairs, mobility scooters, etc)
  • interpreters (e.g. sign-language, lip speakers, note takers)
  • additional carer support, such as for children, family members or yourself (e.g. nursery costs, home care, travel costs for children or caregiver).
  • any other support for attending the event.
Eligibility criteria

Applications are invited from UK-based basic science and medical students, early career researchers, and healthcare professionals.

All applicants must have received notification that their abstract has been accepted for presentation at the selected conference, at the time of application.

Priority Areas for Research

APF funds and supports research that has the potential either to:

  • contribute towards the discovery of an effective treatment or cure, or
  • accelerate change which will enable our community to live well for longer.

Applicants are advised to refer to our Research Strategy to ensure their application aligns with our research priorities.

How to apply

The following information outlines how to apply for a Conference Award and the decision-making process for awarding funds.

Our Conference Awards follow a 1-stage rapid review process.

Downloadable documents

Offline application form template (Word.docx)

Review Criteria and Scoring Guidance (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF)

Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF)

The 4-step funding process

1. Full application submission

Applicants submit their application forms using the online application form, in line with the key dates for review.

2. Application processing

Applications will be processed by our Research team to check that applications have followed the applicant guidance notes and that they broadly fulfil the award remit.

Applications are anonymised and prepared for review by the Research Review Panel (RRP).

3. Expert review

Applications undergo expert review by members of the RRP. Our RRP consists of scientific experts and people with lived experience ‘experts by experience’ of pulmonary fibrosis. All applications will be reviewed in-depth by a minimum of two members of the RRP.

The expert reviewers will provide a score against the scoring criteria, along with their recommendation to fund and a brief rationale.

You find details of the Conference Award scoring criteria in the Review Criteria and Scoring Guidance document.

The contents of your application will remain confidential and will not be reproduced, stored or disseminated for any purposes beyond the review process. All reviewers will adhere to our Conflict of Interest Policy. Applicants must declare any real or potential conflicts of interest with members of the RRP.

4. Successful grants awarded

Following expert review, the RRP will make their funding recommendations to the charity, who will make the final decision on which applications to fund.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome. Successful applicants will be issued with and Award Letter outlining the terms and conditions of the grant.  

Illustration of the review process

4-stage expert review process

All queries relating to our Conference Awards should be sent to

Terms and Conditions

Recipients of our Conference Awards will be asked to:

  • acknowledge the financial support given by Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis to attend the conference on any presentations, posters, press releases, or announcements related to their submitted abstract.
  • write a lay report, including a summary of the research they presented, and their experiences at the conference, for publication (in whole or in part) on our website and social media channels.  
  • give a short online talk to our Involvement Network of people with lived experience of pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Provide receipts/proof of purchase for all expenses claimed.

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