Getting the Best out of Over-the-Phone Consultations

Getting the Best out of Over-the-Phone Consultations with a picture of a doctor calling on a phone
December 2021

In this article, we’re putting the focus on how to get the very best out of your remote consultations

Face to face consultations have become rare during the pandemic, and remote consultations are continuing for many of us. Here are some suggestions to make sure you make the most of your time with your doctor or consultant.

  • Find somewhere quiet and private to take the call
  • Keep questions short and fact based
  • Put down what you want to say in writing before you start so you don’t forget anything
  • Think about having a friend with you, or preparing your questions with someone beforehand
  • As getting an appointment with your GP can be harder these days, you might want to take advantage of tools such as eConsult it’s free for NHS patients, and enables you to ask your surgery about health symptoms, conditions or treatment.
  • The GP/health team gets your question in writing, which gives them time to do some research before answering.

Find more hints and tips on HealthWatch.

We've got lots of other advice about what to ask at appointments.